Map Screen

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Here on the map screen is where most of the action in Thrones takes place. Here you will move your armies, split them, join them, even disband them if it pleases you.




What's On The Map Screen

- There are many things contained in this window. First and foremost, you will see a large map, in which there resides a myriad of terrain features. Also contained in the map are flags representing individual armies.

- There is a window in the upper right hand corner of the screen with the view of a castle. This is the time of day window. It helps keep track of time as Thrones progresses. Along the bottom of the time window is the current day in Thrones.

- Next to the time window is a circle button with a turtle on it. This button allows you to speed up time. When the button is pressed, time will proceed at about ten times the normal rate. The button can be pressed by either clicking and holding it, or holding down the space bar on your keyboard.

- Across the upper portion of the screen are several buttons. From the leftmost to the rightmost they are...

- End Game: clicking on this will end the current game

- Save Game: click here to save your current Thrones game

- Load Game: click here to load a saved game to replace the current game

- Auto Engage: click here to have Thrones alert you right before your troops are about to engage in battle (more on this later)

- Pause Game: allows you to pause the game. Please note that you may still give orders while the game is paused.

- On the map there are many features. Many of which can be easily identifiable as forests, mountains, and hills. There are also castles (small black and gray forts) and villages (clusters of small brown huts).

Army Info

- When you place your cursor over an army, their stats will be displayed on the right hand side of the screen.

- If it is one of your armies, you will see three bars. The leftmost reports how rested your army is, the next shows how much food supply they have, and the last shows how happy they are (their moral). To the right of these bars are the names of all units in this army (Max of 14). Directly above the status bars is an icon depicting the current terrain the army is on. This is useful before deciding whether to do battle or not.

- If an armies moral become less than 10%, they will quit your service and leave the war

- The quickest way for an army to lose moral is to starve them. Therefore, try to keep your armies well fed.

- Fatigue, food supplies, and moral all raise quickly while your army is in a Castle or a Village

- If your cursor is over an enemy flag, a report from your scouts will appear detailing the relative size of the enemy army.


How To Move Your Armies

- To order your troops to move, simply click and drag the army flag in the path you wish for them to take. You commanders have a limited memory, so plan your path carefully and concisely.

- There are several restrictions on movement...

- An army may not move from land directly onto water

- For an army to board a ship to travel on water, they must either move from the land through a Port onto the water, or they must build a ship

- Different terrain will affect movement rates

- An army may disembark from a ship on any land they find convenient. However, once the disembark they lose that ship for good.

Additional Commands

- There are several additional commands. They can be accessed by holding down the Option Key and clicking on an army flag. These additional commands are...

- Halt: causes the army to cease movement

- Forage: causes the army to search for food from the immediate area. This may not be accomplished on the while in a boat

- Protect: causes the army to begin guarding the immediate area. Any enemy army which ventures too close will cause the guarding unit to charge it

- Detach Army: allows you to split this army into two armies

- Build Ship: if your army is near water, they may spend a long amount of time building a ship. While this process is lengthy, it may be the only option left for stranded soldiers

- Disband Unit: if for some reason you wish to remove a unit, here is your chance

- Train Unit: once every seven days a young man at every castle is full of vigor and wants to join the army. If you are at a castle, you may be able to recruit him using this option.

To War Or Not To War!

- When you drag one of your army flags onto an enemy flag, this tells your army to charge the enemy. When they meet, a pair of crossed swords appear while they prepare for battle. During the next 1/2 day, you may click on either of these two units to enter the battle and command the troops yourself. At the end of 1/2 day, the armies will automatically do battle without your lead.

- If you have set the auto engage button, you will be asked at then end of the 1/2 day period if you would like to take charge of the battle

- If you drag your army onto a friendly army, the army will move towards that army. When they meet, this will allow you two join the two armies together.

- Note: When you target another army (whether friendly or not), your army will move straight towards them. This means that if an invalid move is encountered (moving from land to water without a port) you army will stop and await more instructions.